chimpy, the green powerbank

the green powerbank

Chimpy, the green powerbank

Chimpy, the green powerbank

for rent

for rent

for rent

for rent

Empty battery?
Rent a Chimpy!

Find Chimpy Powerbanks at over 3000 locations in Europe. Rent, charge and return—wherever you are.

Empty battery?
Rent a Chimpy!

Find Chimpy powerbanks at over 3000 locations in Europe. Rent, charge and return — wherever you are.

Empty battery?
Rent a Chimpy!

Find Chimpy powerbanks at over 3000 locations in Europe. Rent, charge and return — wherever you are.

Empty battery?
Rent a Chimpy!

Find Chimpy powerbanks at over 3000 locations in Europe. Rent, charge and return — wherever you are.

Want to offer Chimpy Powerbanks to your customers?

Want to offer Chimpy Powerbanks to your customers?

Want to offer Chimpy Powerbanks to your customers?

With a solution built for convenience retail our formula keeps 17-21 year olds coming back to your store day after day, unlocking an additional year-round revenue stream.

Not in convenience retail? Find the right solution here.

Not in convenience retail? Find the right solution here.