The green powerbank for rent built for convenience retail.

Unlock a year-round revenue stream through a seamless partnership that keeps Gen Z coming back to your store 2-3 times per week.

The green powerbank for rent built for convenience retail.

Unlock a year-round revenue stream through a seamless partnership that keeps Gen Z coming back to your store 2-3 times per week.

The green powerbank for rent built for convenience retail.

Unlock a year-round revenue stream through a seamless partnership that keeps Gen Z coming back to your store 2-3 times per week.

The green powerbank for rent built for convenience retail.

Unlock a year-round revenue stream through a seamless partnership that keeps Gen Z coming back to your store 2-3 times per week.




A partnership with Chimpy gives you

Boosted brand loyalty

Boosted brand loyalty

Boosted brand loyalty

Chimpy users rent multiple times a week, year-round

Chimpy users rent multiple times a week, year-round

Chimpy users rent multiple times a week, year-round

Increased customer frequency

Increased customer frequency

New partners experience an increase in customer frequency just in the first year of offering Chimpy.

New partners experience an increase in customer frequency just in the first year of offering Chimpy.

Increased customer frequency

New partners experience an increase in customer frequency just in the first year of offering Chimpy.

Doubled cross-selling opportunities

Doubled cross-selling opportunities

Doubled cross-selling opportunities

Every rental equals two visits, increasing cross-selling potential.

Every rental equals two visits, increasing cross-selling potential.

Every rental equals two visits, increasing cross-selling potential.

A partnership with Chimpy gives you

A partnership with Chimpy gives you

Chimpy isn’t just a product, it’s a habit.

Chimpy isn’t just a product, it’s a habit.

Chimpy isn’t just a product, it’s a habit.

While other powerbank rental services are seen as generic commodities only to be used in rare emergencies, for young people in Switzerland, Chimpy is a meme-worthy lifestyle brand that empowers you to live life moment to moment.

Let’s talk about a potential partnership

Let’s talk about a potential partnership

Let’s talk about a potential partnership

We’re excited that you reached the very bottom of this page. You’ll be even more excited once we talk about all the ways Chimpy can benefit your stores. Enter your info below and Daniel will get back to you within 48 hours.

Not in convenience retail?

Check out our different services — tailored to your needs. Whether it’s for a bar, leisure park, event, or vending machine, we’ll find the perfect setup for you.















Vending Machine

Vending Machine

Vending Machine


